James and Maureen here. We wanted to let you know that we value transparency on our site. We want you to know that on some posts on Home Werker we have posted links that may forward you to another site to purchase a product or software subscription. Some, but not all, of these links are what are called affiliate links. In short, these links allow us to collect a small affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. These commissions are what we use to keep this website going. This means that small “cookies” or files that can tell you have been referred by us are loaded to your web browser. In short, we can’t run this website without income from these links.
We hope that any product recommendation we make is legitimately helpful for you to start or continue your working from home journey. We will never promote products we don’t fully stand behind or have experience with. If you have any concerns about these affiliate links please do let us know and we’ll be happy to talk!